Monday, July 18, 2011

Dear Diary: Modest AND Good at Math

I'd only like to point out that Ortonville is a whole 12 miles from my hometown. Oh, and I just happened across my old sticker books the other day. I noted that, in addition to the standard sticker fare, I had also slapped in some thin sheets featuring the days of the week in a line: Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri. In my current adult state, these were instantly recognizable as belonging to birth control pills. So that's how much of a sticker freak I was. I lifted the daily reminder strip off my mom's oral contraceptives. No wonder I have a sister.


Warden's said...

1) I never new that you liked stickers so much!

2) Ortonville IS only 12 miles away...but you did go to a completely different state for that fancy haircut!

Warden's said...

OMG! I just realized that I said "new" instead of "knew". I do know the difference and imagine that kind of thing drives you crazy!

Warden's said...

Also...I think that may be the first time I've ever used "OMG". What's wrong with me tonight!

Courtney said...

Ha ha ha. Jennie, you crack me up. Amazingly, I was actually BORN just over the border in the same exotic locale where I later had my tresses done :-) So I'm technically a Minnesotan!